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Offre N°
Céréales dérivés
Riz, sarrazin, avoine, seigle, divers
Description : We provide organic products for children with autism and require buck wheat and other grains/seeds that are organic.
Céréales dérivés
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : We have developed a product line for children with autism and require a broad spectrum of organic foods, grains, beans, legumes, etc.
autres Textile
Description : Organic Leather or suede.
Produits sucres
Autres produits sucres
Description : Interested to buy good quality BEE BREAD(fermented pollen in the bee hive), bee bread must be 100% FREE of pesticide & chemicals.
Produits sucres
Miel, gelée royale, tous produits de la ruche
Description : Interested to buy good quality BEE BREAD(fermented pollen in the bee hive), bee bread must be 100% FREE of pesticide & chemicals.
Produits de la mer
Description : Interested to buy good quality, SUN-DRIED seaweed.
Matières aromatisantes, colorants, gélifiants
Description : Organic Flavors and Organic Colors that can withstand 450 oF
Matières premières pour cosmétique
Description : I am seeking a supplier/processor of the fruit genipa americana to secure the blue and black colouring agents of the fruit for a manufacturing project.
Matières aromatisantes, colorants, gélifiants
Description : I am seeking a supplier/processor of the fruit genipa americana to secure the blue and black colouring agents of the fruit for a manufacturing project.
Produits cosmétiques
Description : I am seeking a supplier/processor of the fruit genipa americana to secure the blue and black colouring agents of the fruit for a manufacturing project.
Description : Olive Oil
Fruits legumes
Fruits secs
Description : We are importers and exporters of a large range of products, we are looking for organic dried fruit and nuts for our distributors
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes médicinales
Description : nom commun Guarana
nom scientific Paullinia cupana H.B.K.

uniquement en poudre
agriculture bio
1000 kilos ou 500 kilos minimum
Produits laitiers
Lait écrémé ou poudre
Description :
Protein 14,0 g ? 1,0 g
Fat 26,0 g ? 1,0 g
Minerals 5,00 g ? 1,0 g
Moisture (máx.) 3,50 g FIL 26A: 1993
Acidity (Lactic Acid) (máx.) 0,18% FIL 81B: 1981
Insolubility index (máx.) 1,0ml FIL 129A: 1988
Scorched Particles \"A/B\" ADMI 916
Autres ingredients
Description : natural color
natural Vitamin C
Natural acid citric
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
